This is Our Story 

We are so glad you found us! The short story, Graham wanted out of the “city” and I thought I was Joanna Gaines. That’s the really short version. 
The more detailed version. We were itching to get out of Des Moines and into a smaller community. I had this vision of raising our kids out in the country. We loved our neighborhood in Des Moines but we both grew up in relatively small towns and we missed that sense of community. 
After spending years looking for a fixer upper, I finally saw what had been right in front of us the whole time. The old, slightly run down, farmhouse located at the West Place. Fun fact: All farms have names. This one was the West Place, there was the 80, Floyds, The Hanson Place, etc. When we say the West Place to anyone in our family they know exactly what we are talking about. The reaction we got when we mentioned living at the West Place was pretty much the same across the board. Are you nuts? Slightly run down might have been an understatement, but again I thought I was Joanna Gaines remember? I LOVE old houses and I’m one of “those people”. You know the type that thinks there is potential in things that look pretty hopeless to others. I’m also annoyingly persistent. No one thought this was a good idea, no one. I think by this point Graham was so over looking for houses, he just agreed, not really having any idea what he was in for. Same thing applies to him asking me to marry him, not entirely sure he knew what he was in for. 
We moved from Des Moines to the farm in June 2018. There were definitely moments where I felt panicked and thought what did we do?? For instance, I quickly learned there was not a great option for high speed internet out here. What?? Who knew?? I mean it’s 2020, this is America. I had no idea! Did I mention I rely solely on the internet to do my job. I’m a web designer, how did I not think to check out internet providers? All that aside, I was smitten with our new home, even without high speed internet access. I loved that our kids got to run out the back door and go explore without us having to drive 30 minutes. I loved that they were often on a tractor, skid loader or Ranger ride. I even loved when three random little kittens showed up on our doorstep. For a self proclaimed cat hater this was a big deal.
I also knew how much potential we had sitting in our backyard. Who gets the opportunity to live on a property like this? The farm was just begging us to bring it back to life. Well that’s how I felt anyway. Graham’s story might be a little different. I gave him a little break after finishing the house, and then I bombarded him with my business ideas for the farm. See, I have all these grand plans but I have a hard time bringing them to fruition. Luckily for me, Graham is on board with 75% of my ideas. Did I mention he does ALL of the work? So he of course is not jumping for joy when I request vaulted ceilings because it “fits my vision”, but if he can do it, he does it. He’s a natural pessimist, which is a good match for my over the top optimism. I’m an “I want it now” type, where Graham likes to really mull it over (insert eye roll emoji). All kidding aside, we are complete opposites which actually works out well, and makes for an entertaining work environment. We even each other out.
Our hopes and dreams for this place will be forever evolving. For now, our plans are to open up a road side fruit and vegetable market. We are trying our hand at flowers this year, definitely learning as we go so we will see what happens. Coming this spring we will be opening up the old office building and selling planters, seasonal plants, home decor, farm fresh eggs and items from our garden. 
I hope you enjoyed our story, we hope you will stop out and enjoy our little country store! Keep following us here, on Facebook, or our Instagram page. There is much more to come. I haven’t even mentioned that amazing sale barn on this property! Big plans, HUGE!